My Summer Studio

The mountains, forest and cold rivers are my Summer studio.

This Summer has been hot. Really hot. Almost on par with an Australian Summer. So being city bound is not one of the greatest places to be as the density of buildings and asphalt streets does not breath. The ambient heat radiating off all of the surfaces gives you the impression of an oven.

So, its time to pack my bags, my paints, pencils, drawings and canvases and head for the mountains and spend a week with Peter Gric in the mountains. While the daytime temperatures also soar over the fields around his house, there is at least a breeze to give some respite.

Better still, we might jump in the car and drive to a canyon that a river has cloven between two mountains. Shaded by high mountain walls and thick forest, the river is cold enough to leave you gasping even in the heat of the day and leave you a little numb as you stagger out to thaw in sunlight.


I do have to admit that I spent more time taking in the splendour of the surrounds than at work on my drawing. But let me tell you, this sort of environment is a better distraction than the internet and certainly leaves you more invigorated and relaxed.

This is the life. More of this please!

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