London based Society for the Art of Imagination (AOI) have twinned with International Fantastic Art Association (IFAA) which is based in Japan. As a first step all members of IFAA and AOI will be able to submit works to each other’s exhibitions. Together they are exploring the possibility of organizing exhibitions in Japan for each others members and European exhibitions for IFAA’s members.
The IFAA had been long aware of the AOI. After exhibiting with the IFAA in Japan I told the Shoji Tanaka the group’s president, that I would speak with Brigid Marlin the AOI president and make an introduction. And so, on one cold and wet day in London I met Brigid for tea (very English) and she eagerly listened to my adventures in Japan. I then put the two in contact with each other. So it came to pass that Shoji was invited to exhibit with the AOI in their annual exhibition last year.
Unfortunately, I was unable to attend the event myself to witness this wonderful occasion.
It was at this time that a mutual agreement of society friendship was established and both groups decided to explore ways to collaborate together. It is a very exciting time as the Fantastic Art groups across the world reach out to each other to build a common future.
Shoji wrote a number of entries on his own personal blog about his time in London meeting the AOI. All articles are in Japanese of course, but a good online translator will help you get the gist of things. He seems to be very pleased and excited by meeting everyone and the opportunities it opens up for the IFAA.
- Society for the Art of Imagination Annual Exhibition
- Art of Imagination (AOI) Annual Exhibition report 2

I just realized that the image I posted with this article perhaps is a bit misleading in regards to the title, when there are two men standing beside each other. Perhaps the title should have been AOI and IFAA become brother societies? Doesn’t quite sound the same does it.