Smell the Coffee

Passenger Espresso

Passenger Espresso

Temporarily relocating to another city is a quick way to make you realise what you take for granted from the home you just left. Living in Berlin, I know all of my favourite and interesting corners. So if I want something, I know exactly where to go. For instance coffee. I am not a regular coffee drinker. But since friends of my set up their coffee shop, Passenger Espresso, over the canal from me, I have never had want for any other coffee. I am now spoilt.

Now I find myself in Vienna and I am on the hunt for good coffee. Vienna, famed for its coffee culture and coffee houses, so far has disappointed. A Latte is half foam, in a glass that is already small and equally so is the flavour lacking.

Georg, one of the Passenger Espresso crew gave me a list of Vienna coffee shops to explore. But there appears to be a catch. Since Vienna is an ardently Catholic town, there is not much of night life culture, and certainly little is open or moving on a Sunday, albeit in the tourist areas.

Ah Berlin, how you have spoilt me.

I will report back on my findings. In my search I came across Der Espresso Freak blog. He seems to have done a bit of exploring in Vienna, so I will be taking a look at his list also. I’ll also have to point him towards Passenger Expresso

Posted in: Austria, Travel, Vienna Tagged with: , , ,
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