I might be a little late with number 8, but I’m trying to keep up to date, with #figuary2020.
Last week I took down my paintings from my studio walls and packed them for delivery to Galerie 4614 Marchtrenk. My studio looks rather bare now.
I was running a bit behind schedule with this one. It’s been a long day, but I put the effort in to finish this so I did not skip a day of #figuary.
Day four of #figuary. This time I paid attention to keeping this drawing simpler and leaving the polish off.
I have other artwork to put time into, so I can’t spend much time on these #figuary drawings. But, I guess that’s the aim of the exercise, to produce expressive drawings. In that case, this one is overworked.
I came across #Figuary, February as the month of the figure, it was the excuse I needed to embark upon a drawing a figure per day.
It has been a hectic past week preparing for this week’s group exhibition. I’ve been racing to finish one of the larger pieces for the show.