Sophia, a feminine figure, analogous to the human soul but also simultaneously one of the Feminine aspects of God and the Bride of Christ.
Sophia, a feminine figure, analogous to the human soul but also simultaneously one of the Feminine aspects of God and the Bride of Christ.
One of the wonderful consequences of working with Jon Beinart on his beinArt.org project, is that I've met some very interesting people. Of those is numbered Rardy Van Soest. I was initially made aware of his existence by De Es…
After a year of virtually no painting, owing to my travelling between Berlin and London often, I am painting again. With the Art of Imagination exhibition coming up, I'm aiming to finish this work for it.
I spent a hectic but thoroughly enjoyable time in Vienna over December, staying with my good friend and colleague Amanda Sage (www.amandasage.com). She was very gracious to allow me the use of her studio, and so for the first time…