Manifest is signed and a limited edition Print of 500. Print size: 25.5 x 34 cmPaper size: 29.5 x 42 cm270 gsm acid free paper (Hahnemühle Lumijet)
I recently visited Japanese artist Shinji Himeno in Berlin. It was a great surprise to discover him there after I had lived there for three years, never knowing he existed. I wonder who else is hidden there.
My good friend Jon Beinart and I have been working away in the background of beinArt.org to bring about it's next feature, that being a blog. The blog uses WordPress because of its flexibility and extensibility thanks to the myriad…
Wow, the site traffic for beinart.org grows in leaps and bounds, and its fascinating to see where the site ends up linked to. Today the site was featured on the “Spiegel” one of the larget publications in Germany. www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/e…250,00.html Last…
After many months of work collaborating with Jon Beinart (jonbeinart.com) I’m very pleased and proud to announce the launch of our pet project, beinart.org. The site features more than 170 artists working in the feilds of Surrealism, Fantastic Realism, Comic…
I have the great pleasure to announce that my work will be featured in an upcoming publication called “Metamorphosis“. The book contains the works of 50 contemporaries working in the Fantastic, Surreal and Visionary genres. It is very exciting for…