This past Easter weekend artist and gallery owner Tim Roosen paid me a visit in my studio while he was here on business in Berlin.
This past Easter weekend artist and gallery owner Tim Roosen paid me a visit in my studio while he was here on business in Berlin.
I sit on my comfy studio sofa and contemplate the day’s work at the easel. “When do I know when a painting is finished?”, I’ve often been asked.
I’m excited to announce that I am exhibiting with my good friends in Art, Dennis Konstantin and Micha Krebs in Berlin. We will all be exhibiting in Micha’s Colory studio gallery. Micha with his gallery is again participating this year in the Friedenau Südwestpassagekultour open studio’s weekend. A total of 50 locations have opened their doors for the weekend.
Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve been watching artists posting images of their copy of the book “Imagine The Imagination – New Visions of Surrealism”, that included their artwork, to various websites.
Today I was painting with Dennis Konstantin while he was in his studio in Hamburg and I in mine in Berlin.
For the past year I’ve had my studio here in the Atelierhaus Mengerzeile. And the time has come again for our Tag der Offen Ateliers (open studio day).
A change of city means a change of studio. I now have a new studio in Atelierhaus Mengerzeile, Berlin.
After all of this time getting to know Delvin over email and Skype chat sessions, I would finally get to meet him face to face. He was making his way to England to meet with Brigid Marlin of the Society for the Art of Imagination (AOI) to discuss assisting them with their Inscape magazine. I was very happy to offer him a place to stay in my studio while on his travels.
I spent a hectic but thoroughly enjoyable time in Vienna over December, staying with my good friend and colleague Amanda Sage (www.amandasage.com). She was very gracious to allow me the use of her studio, and so for the first time…