Look up! There is often something to wonder at.
Here she is, all framed up and ready to go. Dali had said, “A painting is finished when it is sold and paid for.” A framed artwork is very close to that for me.
I have been working out of a forest studio at the Wildlife Mountain Sanctuary. In this very peaceful location run by close friends, I have had the chance to unwind and work further on a painting that I started at the Earth Frequency Festival.
Work is still progressing with my painting, “The Muse“. Sometimes you have to mess things up to make progress. I wasn’t happy with the folds in the cloth, so I have taken to it with some bold strokes. Sometimes it…
Recently I started a collaborative painting project with Kevin Campeau. In this video we briefly discuss how we worked together and what we did with the canvas.
It is said a picture tells a thousand words, and the quote from Carl Jung is but a few that I can add to my latest painting “Axis Mundi”.
I shot a short video of my artworks in progress currently hanging on my studio walls. It’s really just a teaser, with more detailed images and video reports to come.
Since December last year I have had my artwork hanging in Dancing Shiva on Nuebaugasse in the Vienna 7th district. With exhibition season having begun, it was time to take my artwork down in preparation for sending them of to far flung destinations once again. But more about those exhibitions in future articles.
My paintings arrived back in Berlin this week from the Chimeria festival in France for our Fantastic Visions exhibition at Colory Gallery, Berlin. While unpacking my Chimeria paintings, I discovered two copies of the Chimeria exhibition catalogue.
I’m excited to announce that I am exhibiting with my good friends in Art, Dennis Konstantin and Micha Krebs in Berlin. We will all be exhibiting in Micha’s Colory studio gallery. Micha with his gallery is again participating this year in the Friedenau Südwestpassagekultour open studio’s weekend. A total of 50 locations have opened their doors for the weekend.
Seeing a brilliant opportunity, at very short notice, Amanda Sage organised an exhibition of Fantastic Visionary artists at Galerie 10, “The Irresistible Flow of Time” at Galerie 10.