Category: Studio

Figure 27 Drawing Time Lapse

Figure 27 Drawing Time Lapse

Now that I have my camera rig set up, there’s a better work flow with doing the artwork and filming at the same time.

Posted in: Artwork, Drawing, Studio, Video, Work in Progress Tagged with: , , , ,

Artwork Time Lapse Solution

Artwork Time Lapse Solution

You might have seen some of my drawing and painting time lapse videos recently. I’ve been working on solutions for filming with varying success.

Posted in: Studio, Video

In Frame

In Frame

One of my collectors likes the way I frame my paintings. So for each work of mine that he adds to his collection I also frame them before I send them to him.

Posted in: Studio Tagged with: , , ,

On the Turps

On the Turps

A rant about the does and don’ts of what media to mix and not mix with your oil paint.

Posted in: Learning, Materials, Studio, Technique Tagged with: ,

A New Home

This painting has just found a new home with one of my biggest collectors.

Posted in: Artwork, Painting, Painting, Studio Tagged with: , , ,

Joy is Framing Your Artwork

"Embrace" framed

I can finish a painting, but it certainly looks complete in a nice new frame.

Posted in: Artwork, Studio Tagged with: , , ,

Creative Neighbours

Happy Studio Time

I work in a creative neighbourhood. My neighbours are playing Turkish instruments while I paint.

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It’s Friday night… in the studio…

It's Friday night... in the studio...

It’s Friday night… in the studio…

Posted in: Artist, Studio Tagged with:

What’s on the Easel

A sneek peek, works in progress, “To be Thus” and “Hear, See, Speak, Think No Evil”

Posted in: Artwork, Figurative, Painting, Painting, Studio, Work in Progress Tagged with: , , , ,

Framing Almost Finished

Two of my paintings recently found a new home alongside other great artworks in a private collection.

Posted in: Artwork, Painting, Painting, Studio Tagged with: , , ,

Final Frame Magical Dreams Exhibition

Working on the final frame for the Magical Dreams exhibition at Bator Gallery, Poland. Exhibition opens 19th September 2015.

Posted in: Exhibition, Poland, Studio Tagged with: ,

Art in the Forest

Foreset Studio

I have been working out of a forest studio at the Wildlife Mountain Sanctuary. In this very peaceful location run by close friends, I have had the chance to unwind and work further on a painting that I started at the Earth Frequency Festival.

Posted in: Australia, News, Painting, Studio, Work in Progress Tagged with: , , , , , , ,

Acrylics Paints Faster?

Acrylic paint faster?

Every couple of years I give acrylic paints another go. After all, mastering anything comes down to practice. A number of my artist friends rave about acrylics and how fast they dry and allow you to keep working without having to wait.

Posted in: Artwork, Painting, Studio, Technique Tagged with: , , ,

Studio Tip – Keeping Brushes Clean With Oil

Clean Brushes

How do you keep your brushes clean when working oil paints? Cooking oil! Make no sense? Well read on.

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Studio Update


This is a snapshot of my current Vienna Studio.

Posted in: Austria, Studio, Vienna Tagged with: ,

Painting – The Art of Patience


On my recently created artworks in progress page, I made a comment about having more than one artwork in progress, and knowing when to leave one alone and move on to the next.

Posted in: Artist, Artwork, Friends, Painting, Studio Tagged with: , ,

Painting Party

Elizabeth Banker

Often painting is a very solitary past time or career. So when there is an opportunity paint with other artists, it is something special.

Posted in: Artist, Friends, Painting, Studio, Vienna Tagged with: , , ,

Custom Picture Frames

I spent a week with Peter Gric learning his technique for decorating picture frames.

Posted in: Friends, Studio Tagged with: , ,

Juxtaposition – When New Ideas Happen

Vienna Studio Corner

Those moments of empty minded clarity, when not much is happening, lounging on the obligatory comfy studio sofa, looking at the artwork. In my Vienna studio, two unrelated paintings suddenly took on a new meaning together.

Posted in: Artwork, Austria, Painting, Studio, Vienna Tagged with: , , , , ,

Winter 2012 in the Studio

Mr. Frost has paid me a visit and shown me his own artistic abilities on my studio windows in the form of some very intricate ice crystal patterns, more often referred to as “Eisblumen” (ice flowers).

Posted in: Germany, Studio Tagged with: , , , , , ,