Mexican digital artist Héctor Pineda came to Berlin to meet with the directors of Abnormals Gallery to discuss a possible future exhibition and meet fellow artists.
Mexican digital artist Héctor Pineda came to Berlin to meet with the directors of Abnormals Gallery to discuss a possible future exhibition and meet fellow artists.
once again travelled to Amsterdam for the Dreamscapes Exhibition. The exhibition is one of the largest and best organised Fantastic Art shows I’ve attended. Part of my aim in attending was to document the exhibition for my Fantastic Visions project.
At the beginning of this year, I edited and published a catalogue of artwork which included Dennis Konstantin, Micha Colory Krebs and myself. So naturally when I went to Vienna in March for Ernst Fuch’s 80th birthday celebrations, I took…
Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve been watching artists posting images of their copy of the book “Imagine The Imagination – New Visions of Surrealism”, that included their artwork, to various websites.
I just received the great news that the book “Imagine The Imagination – New Visions of Surrealism”, in which my painting “Something Fishy” is now finally published and available for purchase. The book aims to show the variety of contemporary…
I am very pleased to announce the inclusion of my painting ‘Something Fishy’ in the forthcoming book, ‘Imagine The Imagination – New Visions of Surrealism’.
The new Dreamscape book has been released and I travelled to Amsterdam for the book launch and exhibition. The new Dreamscapes 2009 book represents 52 artists working in imaginary realism from around the world and has 164 pages in full color. As always, the print quality is from the highest level.
Philip Jacobson has released his second and long awaited book, Promethean Flames. It also surveys the situation between the contemporary art world and the modern creative mystic.
Like most artists, I dream of seeing my artwork in print and better still that being a book. With the advent of digital printing, it became viable to do short print runs.
Deconstructing Roy Lichtenstein by Charlie Parker On Lines and Colors I found a post about Roy Lichtenstein by Charlie Parker. Now I did a small amount of study on Lichtenstein for my high school art, and of course have seen…