The O.Z.O.R.A. Festival crew are starting to crank up their promotion for this years’ great event.
Seeing a brilliant opportunity, at very short notice, Amanda Sage organised an exhibition of Fantastic Visionary artists at Galerie 10, “The Irresistible Flow of Time” at Galerie 10.
Last week I made my way to Hamburg to have a number of my paintings scanned and spend some time with friend and colleague in artistic crimes, Dennis Konstantin.
once again travelled to Amsterdam for the Dreamscapes Exhibition. The exhibition is one of the largest and best organised Fantastic Art shows I’ve attended. Part of my aim in attending was to document the exhibition for my Fantastic Visions project.
The IFAA’s frist international exhibition abroad with guest artists from Australia, France and Germany.
Non Omnis Moriar – Stephanie Henderson I first met Reinhard Schmid at the Dreamscapes Exhibition in Amsterdam last year. Through our correspondence since then, Reinhard came to invite me down to the opening of the “Dante’s Divine Comedy” exhibition in…
I visited the Rijksmuseum to see some of the Old Masters. Much to my surprise and disappointment, I found the entrance dominated by Damien Hirst and a queue.
The Visionary Culture Creators discussion panel brought together people living all over the world to discuss how Visionary Culture is developing.
Owing to work commitments and the randomness of available seats on stand-by airline tickets, I departed Berlin for the Boom Festival early Wednesday morning. Perhaps this was a good thing that I left at this time as I later found out that on Monday, opening day many people spent waiting the entire day in the blazing Portuguese sun to enter the festival.
I’m off to the Boom Festival next August in Portugal to exhibit with other Visionary artists. This August 3-9th. marks the 6th. incarnation of the Boom Festival, a massive global trance culture gathering. For the third time at the Boom Festival, the Liminal Village returns presenting the Vision Gallery.
All great adventures involve something not going to plan, and so it was on the very first day as I set out for the IFAA exhibition in Japan.
I recently was wandering around Shoreditch and Central East London I discovered the graveyard where William Blake was buried.
From Amsterdam, I made the jump to Berlin. After hearing that it was good for artists I caught the overnight bus.