16 suggested points to consider when invited to exhibit your artwork.
My paintings arrived back in Berlin this week from the Chimeria festival in France for our Fantastic Visions exhibition at Colory Gallery, Berlin. While unpacking my Chimeria paintings, I discovered two copies of the Chimeria exhibition catalogue.
I’m excited to announce that I am exhibiting with my good friends in Art, Dennis Konstantin and Micha Krebs in Berlin. We will all be exhibiting in Micha’s Colory studio gallery. Micha with his gallery is again participating this year in the Friedenau Südwestpassagekultour open studio’s weekend. A total of 50 locations have opened their doors for the weekend.
Seeing a brilliant opportunity, at very short notice, Amanda Sage organised an exhibition of Fantastic Visionary artists at Galerie 10, “The Irresistible Flow of Time” at Galerie 10.
Today Dennis Konstantin, Karl Person and I drove all the way from Berlin to Vienna. Dennis and I are exhibiting with a selection of 11 artists from the Fantastic Art movement, this September in Austria at Galerie 10.
Mexican digital artist Héctor Pineda came to Berlin to meet with the directors of Abnormals Gallery to discuss a possible future exhibition and meet fellow artists.
Next week I will be travelling to Viechtach again as the town plays host to the iPaX 2010 International Fantastic Art Exhibition. I was previously in Viechtach for the Dante exhibition last year and I’m very much looking forward to returning to this charming part of Germany again.
once again travelled to Amsterdam for the Dreamscapes Exhibition. The exhibition is one of the largest and best organised Fantastic Art shows I’ve attended. Part of my aim in attending was to document the exhibition for my Fantastic Visions project.
Here is a selection of images from our recent Fantastic Visions exhibition opening. It was wonderful to see people make the journey out in such frigid weather, in what was Europe’s coldest Winter in 60 years.
I am very please to announce that I have been invited to exhibit in Los Angeles, at the Temple of Visions exhibition “Womb of Creation”. I am sending two canvases for the show.
This is a video I shot and edited of Strychnin Gallery’s opening for the Magistrates exhibition. Magistrates features over 20 internationally renowned artists.
Art Imaginär curator, Otfried Culmann, just sent a link to a slideshow video that he put together using photos that he and I took at the exhibition in Mußbach back in October.
The IFAA’s frist international exhibition abroad with guest artists from Australia, France and Germany.
Exhibition visitors peer at Siegfried Zademack’s artowrk. It was the a last minute snap decision to travel from Berlin to the Rheinland Pfalz, the opposite end of the Germany. I wanted to attend the Art Imaginär exhibition to see some…
For the past year I’ve had my studio here in the Atelierhaus Mengerzeile. And the time has come again for our Tag der Offen Ateliers (open studio day).
Non Omnis Moriar – Stephanie Henderson I first met Reinhard Schmid at the Dreamscapes Exhibition in Amsterdam last year. Through our correspondence since then, Reinhard came to invite me down to the opening of the “Dante’s Divine Comedy” exhibition in…
the city councils of Liverdun and Blenod or the cultural partnership Liverdun – Blenod http://www.blenodlespam.fr/main.php?page=culturel.php
The Sacred Art exhibition, organized by the Society for the Art of Imagination, has opened in Bavaria. Included in the group show, is my painting “Manifest”.