Now that I have my camera rig set up, there’s a better work flow with doing the artwork and filming at the same time.
Now that I have my camera rig set up, there’s a better work flow with doing the artwork and filming at the same time.
One of my collectors likes the way I frame my paintings. So for each work of mine that he adds to his collection I also frame them before I send them to him.
A sneek peek, works in progress, “To be Thus” and “Hear, See, Speak, Think No Evil”
Working on the final frame for the Magical Dreams exhibition at Bator Gallery, Poland. Exhibition opens 19th September 2015.
I have been working out of a forest studio at the Wildlife Mountain Sanctuary. In this very peaceful location run by close friends, I have had the chance to unwind and work further on a painting that I started at the Earth Frequency Festival.
How do you keep your brushes clean when working oil paints? Cooking oil! Make no sense? Well read on.