Oil Sketch… Work In Progress…
A sneek peek, works in progress, “To be Thus” and “Hear, See, Speak, Think No Evil”
I have been working out of a forest studio at the Wildlife Mountain Sanctuary. In this very peaceful location run by close friends, I have had the chance to unwind and work further on a painting that I started at the Earth Frequency Festival.
My paintings arrived back in Berlin this week from the Chimeria festival in France for our Fantastic Visions exhibition at Colory Gallery, Berlin. While unpacking my Chimeria paintings, I discovered two copies of the Chimeria exhibition catalogue.
Last week I made my way to Hamburg to have a number of my paintings scanned and spend some time with friend and colleague in artistic crimes, Dennis Konstantin.
At the beginning of this year, I edited and published a catalogue of artwork which included Dennis Konstantin, Micha Colory Krebs and myself. So naturally when I went to Vienna in March for Ernst Fuch’s 80th birthday celebrations, I took…
Today I was painting with Dennis Konstantin while he was in his studio in Hamburg and I in mine in Berlin.
The Prado Musuem partnered with Google to photograph some of the most famous works in their collection, such as The Garden of Earthly Delights by Hieronymus Bosch.
The Tate Britain is to recreate that William Blake’s first and only exhibition – exactly 200 years after it was staged in 1809 – and will bring together at least nine of the surviving 11 works from the 16 in the original show.
After all of this time getting to know Delvin over email and Skype chat sessions, I would finally get to meet him face to face. He was making his way to England to meet with Brigid Marlin of the Society for the Art of Imagination (AOI) to discuss assisting them with their Inscape magazine. I was very happy to offer him a place to stay in my studio while on his travels.
I recently visited Japanese artist Shinji Himeno in Berlin. It was a great surprise to discover him there after I had lived there for three years, never knowing he existed. I wonder who else is hidden there.
This month, Anja Brinkmann and I went to the Dalí Museum in Figueres, Spain. We hired a car and drove north from Barcelona. We were both excited to see the museum. Having wound our way through the tiny streets of…